Sweaty Balls!
Ok now. Where did your mind go? We have numerous blue balls in the hot room that get really sweaty when we use them for core and leg-based workouts!
Now I know some of you thought immediately that I was talking about something completely different! Shame on you! Actually, shame on me because I got your attention this way! LOL!
In my Wednesday 5:45 pm Surge class one of the norms is to yell at the top of your lungs “BALLS” when we curl ourselves up and hug our knees. I have a couple of reasons I ask my class to do this.
1. It’s just plain fun – where else can you scream at the top of your lungs “BALLS” in with a whole bunch of other sweaty people?
2. It provides me notice that my class is actually breathing properly.
3. I also know that my clients are engaged, and this actually takes some of the focus on the stress in the system to having a norm in the class in which everyone participates.
Why I am speaking of balls, never thought you would ask. Yes, there is always an underlying naughty inuendo in all I do. I am a group fitness instructor of mainly middle-aged women who come to me to help them feel confident again in their own skin. So yes, sexuality and finding it again is a huge part of the process and should never be frowned upon. We are human and it is a wonderful simple joy in life when managed in a healthy manner.
Part of the process is finding yourself again. Your true self. The part of you that is proud of who you are and what you look like. I love seeing my clients wear dresses they have not worn in years, go out to places they felt ashamed to be seen in before and finally have enough self-esteem to date again, even with their current spouses finding new love. This is a beautiful part of the process, and no one should ever feel shamed about it. We are human and sexuality should be a wonderful part of our lives.
Action items:
1. Are your emotional and physical desires healthy?
2. What steps are you taking to improve them?
You know what I am going to say. You need to take massive amounts of action on yourself such as movement daily, proper nutrition and managing your stresses in a healthy manner. Start small such as a daily walk, 25 crunches and pack your lunch with healthy foods! Simple simple simple!
We stand ready as always to help. E-mail me direct with any questions and suggestions for blogging! I’d love to hear from you! cj@evolvstrong.com
Start Strong, Stay Strong & Always Be eVOLV Strong!
Your Trainer C.J.
P.S. – I will be providing two personal blogs a week (Wed/Fri) now and my recipe will be e-mailed to you on Saturday mornings from here forward. Excited to be offering more inspiration! Thank you for reading! Please share and subscribe!
www.curtjchavez.com :: cj@evolvstrong.com :: 505-872-3408
https://evolvstrong.com :: www.upwardmotionpt.com :: 505-872-3408