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Writer's pictureCurt Chavez

My Dog Ate My Nice Leather Couch....

No shitting you. After having an amazing day yesterday, I wake this morning to find half of my couch completely torn up by my wonderful pup Sugar. It set me off something fierce as I did not want another dog in the first place but along the argument, she stole my heart. My decision to keep the dog was my own and now I have to live with the consequences of my decision.

This reminds me of a few learning points that I think are valuable in sharing.

  • We have no one else to blame for our current situation other than ourselves.

Most of us are 18 years and older so we have made most of the decisions to get us to this point in our lives. Trying to blame someone or something else for our current circumstances is defeating and takes care of nothing.

  • Take ownership of our past decisions.

We need to learn from them and move forward productively trying not to make the same mistakes. We can though start make better choices today and hold ourselves accountable in order to improve our futures!

  • The only “things” we control in life are our reactions to life itself.

I was pissed this morning. Very pissed as I knew from the get-go what raising a large breed high energy dog entails and the consequences of that decision, yet I still caved in and said yes. I also know the beauty, love and lifelong companionship Sugar brings – after this terrible puppy stage. I have to adjust my perspective on this situation, and I have to decide how to react to it. That is which is under my control.

This is similar to the principles I continually apply to my clients and members here at eVOLV. I tell most of my peeps that are trying to improve their respective bodies that more then likely it has taken years of past small decisions to get to their current circumstance. So be patient in obtaining your new set goals. A prime example of what I am seeing is 20–40-pound weight gain over COVID the last 1.5 years. Don’t expect that weight gain to come off in less then 3 months healthily. Be patient yet be determined and make the right decisions daily and follow your program. Deviations occur and are healthy but get back on the path as soon as you realize you are off and always take ownership of your fu*% ups!

As part of eVOLV’s on-going outreach and support during these crazy ass times, we have put together a 28 Day Virtual Challenge FREE for our current members. This challenge provides you every detail you need to start/enhance/reboot your fitness goals. It includes eVOLV’s successful Phoenix Method with its cornerstone habits needed to obtain your objectives. Daily to-do’s, daily workouts, daily nutrition, daily motivation, community, accountability and much more right at your fingertips from your phone to be done whenever and wherever you are at in the world. All you need to do is click here to register today:

If you have friends or family that wish to join, we would really appreciate you please let them know about our programming as well. As always, they or you are allowed a free “Game Planning” session where we go over the Phoenix Method principles, get baseline measurements and develop your game plan. Take advantage by calling or e-mailing us today!

I’ll keep you all posted on the progress of how Sugar’s training is going or should I say, my training in patience is going.

Start Strong, Stay Strong and Always Be eVOLV Strong!

Your Trainers – C.J. & Team eVOLV

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