Congratulations Becka on your success! Super Proud of you! Pictured above
It’s only day 3 of Shred and one of the 20 brave souls in my Shred program has lost 5 pounds. Congratulations DeAnna! Proud of you. The rest average about 1-3 pounds off in the first 3 days. When we push our bodies beyond what we normally do, add nutrition logging, and become consistent – we get results. No supplements, meal replacements or fake shit has been used. Real food, moderation of calories and threshold training are the trick. Also, a determined and made-up mind go a long way as well!
Yes, this is boastful and yes, I am proud, but this is not a normal result. Shred is not supposed to be “normal” though and the program is exactly what it means – a “shred.” Out of the 20 individuals there are only 3 who have not achieved “movement” either up or down in weight based on their goals. I have young men who wish to gain muscle in the program so going up for them is good. For the rest going down is the goal. Let’s discuss why!
· One of the gentleman, my best damn friend, stated he had a business meeting at El Pinto – mmmhhmmm. He still had choices to eat the chips and salsa, drink the margarita and choose a healthier plate. He obviously didn’t. I requested a 2-pound loss by Friday – meaning less calories today and tomorrow and making up for the cheating. Repercussions for choices made while in my program.
· Another gentleman has not worked out in a couple of months, so my hypothesis is that his body is going into somewhat of a shock status and is holding onto his weight until it realizes that things will be ok. His diet is on point and his workouts consistent. More than likely by Friday his body will begin to change and let loose. I see this often.
· The female whose weight remained the same hasn’t pooped in 3 days. We discussed hydration and adding more fibrous carbohydrates. We planned on flushing her system with about a gallon and a half of water to get her systems moving. When you add increased protein, dehydration due to increased exertion and then a shock to the system, sometimes our intestines get clogged up which could add over 5 pounds of poop build up.
Each individual, like you are different. Each individual is getting a different results. Each individual has a different goal. Each individual has a different caloric max daily. Each has a different macro nutrient goal as well. Everyone though is pushed to their limits in my sessions, and I give no one any leeway. I push so they can realize their full potential. This is how it is supposed to be done. Quit the insanity of trying to find the fancy pill, or the easy way out. Anything in life worthwhile is tough and it takes dedication and time! You have to go through the growing pain process in order to achieve results that many only dream.
Action items:
· What magic pill are you trying to look for in life? What pain points are you trying to avoid in order to go the easy path? What excuses do you use in order to prolong the inevitable?
· Now what actions can you begin to take that you know will get you to the next milestone you wish and take it, even knowing it is going to be a long road, a tough road, and a winding road.
If you need help, I stand ready. If you are interested in the next Shred program, email me direct – cj@evolvstrong.com and I will put you on the waiting list. I will start another one in June. Those alumni in the program get first dibs then I will open up slots for those graduating. It’s a popular program so first come first serve!
Also team I am directing an amazing Fitness Adventure in Puerto Vallarta where you get to workout with me 3 times a day. Yes, I said 3 times a day! We start with sunrise yoga on the beach, take small breakfast break, then water aerobics, then a quick snack break, then a resistance workout somewhere on the resort, lunch, then fun athletic activity such as water volleyball, ski-do’s, kickball and much more. Afterwards we party all night in an all-inclusive beautiful resort. We only have a few rooms left and will have to close registration soon. 28 individuals are confirmed so far and over 5 eVOLV trainers will be joining as well. This is going to be a blast in October! Confirm your spot here: https://destination.evolvstrong.com/
Also be sure to attend our members only “Happy Healthy Hour” with a Live Handpan Player Dean Gibson on Friday June 3rd, 2022, starting at 5:30 pm MST and going for about 2 hours. Yoga, Deep Stretch and Meditation taught by our very own Laurie MacGovern.
Remember to always start strong, stay strong, and be UpMo & eVOLV Strong!
Your Trainer – C.J.
www.curtjchavez.com :: cj@evolvstrong.com :: 505-872-3408
I’ll see you again tomorrow on eVOLV Strong with C.J. Podcast!
Start Strong, Stay Strong & Always Be eVOLV and UpMo Strong!
Your Trainer – C.J.
https://evolvstrong.com :: www.upwardmotionpt.com :: 505-872-3408 :: cj@evolvstrong.com
