Today I got a shot in my butt!
Bringing back a fitness business from the brink of death due to COVID closures has been brutal yet wonderful. I have had to get back into the trenches myself and provide programming where I myself due the teaching itself and the coaching. Due to the overwhelming success of Shred, I have had to double my output all the while maintaining all my current clients and business obligations. This has challenged my abilities as a human athlete!
I had noticed some small changes over the last few months in both my body and my mind. The top three issues were:
When I started the “cut” process for my competition I did not lose the weight like I once had just a couple years past. I was super strict on my diet, working out like a fiend and nothing!
Normally I would take a midday nap and wake up feeling refreshed and energized. Lately I was waking up mind “fuc&*d” which was not like me. My emotions were getting the best of me.
I knew my schedule was brutal, but the levels of exhaustion were becoming quite rough.
With these subtle yet important changes I decided to take one of those spit tests from Walgreens just to see if my hypothesis of my situation had any validity. The results were eye opening. I then sought the help of our partner Dr. Shamarie Saiz for a more professional consult and advice. She is a hormonal specialist and knows her shitake! She ordered a full blood panel and then begin her investigations.
Well BAM! My hypothesis was correct in that my Testosterone was in the basement levels of acceptable! I mean underground in the basement! LOL! So today I pulled my pants down and Doc Shamarie saw my world-class booty and put a shot of Testosterone in my butt! Now we shall see how it all works. I am hopeful.
I say all this because I believe very strongly that we have science and our medical professionals for a reason. When a client of mine is beyond my capabilities due to certain “things” that require a MD, I am the first to send them to my doctor partners. I also am walking proof that I had an issue that needed Dr. Sais’ expert opinion and help. I took the necessary steps to take control of my situation.
Action items:
What areas in your life are you using excuses for that you are not taking the necessary steps to take control of them?
What action items can you take immediately to improve your situation.
ACT – ACT & Take more action!
Your Trainer – C.J. :: :: 505-872-3408 :: :: 505-872-3408