The difference between success and failure is?
I was speaking with a long-term client of mine and we were reminiscing of the “old days” when she first met me at one of the large sports club chains here in Albuquerque. We were discussing how things have “evolved,” no pun intended but maybe a little! It was 2008 that I once again came back into the fitness/wellness business after running my father’s organization for eight years. Before that I had competed professionally & successfully in martial arts for about eight years in the NASKA ring.
So combined I have over 20 years in the fitness industry and about eight years on the professional/executive side. During that time, I have had to overcome about 4 or 5 difficult failures. Failures under my belt include: two very public failed companies, one being my families and the other being a partnership with eVOLV prior to the current one, and two failed relationships one of 18 years and then one of four years.
See I have failed and not in little itty-bitty ways. These were big ones and very public and very painful. Today though I realize that without those behind me I would have never been able to relate to my clients making eVOLV what it is today.
Let me explain. So many individuals today try to portray a picture of perfection on social media. They have the most luxurious homes, the most beautiful partners (I do have to say mine is quite amazing though), and they “pretend” to have shit that smells like roses. You know what I mean. Even our elected officials tend to have this in common. But as you know, everything comes out in the wash.
I choose to be real and as candid as possible. This realness has allowed me the integrity necessary to cause significant and long-lasting change with my clients because they know who I am and from where I have been. See who else better to coach someone out of their hole then someone who has lived there. Now don’t get me wrong, I am damn good looking, I am brilliant and very charming! :->
I do recognize today though that if I made differing choices during those trying times, I may have been able to avoid these failures, but I would not be who I have become today with all that knowledge. I would not be the C.J. you all recognize in the present. This is why I believe that the difference between success and failure all comes down to a choice. Everything in life is a choice right. You are a culmination of your historic choices. Today I choose to think of myself as successful and I choose to use the situations I failed at in the past as learning experiences. What is your choice?
Being overweight is a choice. Being lethargic is a choice. Being lazy is a choice. Being in a bad relationship is a choice. Being weak is a choice. The alternatives to all these are also a choice.
Over the last 20 years I have gained more knowledge than I ever should have. It’s a little scary to know the science and the truth about a lot of ailments and issues from which my clients suffer. See it is a choice to continue to complain about it and do nothing. It is also a choice to decide to find help and make changes in your life to make you better.
I am proud of my failures today as I am living proof that you can first overcome them if you make the choice too and secondly, I am proud of the knowledge I have gained through them. My team and I are second to none in this regard and we stand ready to help you once you have made the choice to seek help and do what needs to be done to fix or improve your current situation.
I would love the opportunity to sit with you for a free ½ hour or so to discuss your situation, take some measurements and develop a plan of action for you. Then we can unleash my team on you and see you grow!
Call us today! 505-872-3408! We are waiting.
Also, I invite you to our 2021 Rise of the Phoenix where we showcase and celebrate the successes of individuals just like you have made the choice to be a success. We have two shows on Saturday May 1st, 2021 right here at eVOLV! Tickets are selling fast, and this event will sell out. This is a VIP only event with wine, champagne, beer, non-alcoholic soft drinks, light appetizers, and desserts on each table. This is a Documentary filming, and you will be considered extras. COVID safe protocols will be mandated. We will have Zoom link tickets available shortly. In person tickets available here: https://evolvstrong.sites.zenplanner.com/retail.cfm
I look forward to seeing you all here soon!
Start Strong, Stay Strong and Always Be eVOLV Strong!
Your Trainer – C.J. & Team eVOLV
www.evolvstrong.com :: www.curtjchavez.com :: cj@evolvstrong.com :: 505-872-3408
