The Best Gift Ever!
I am an old 46-year-old dude that has seen 46 Holidays and Christmassssssssssss. I have to tell you I look forward to the food and festivities more than the awkward gift-giving experience. I always feel as if I don’t give enough. I honestly appreciate anything that is shared with love to me, especially food! I always think that I should have given more to those I love.
With that said, the best gift that could be given is the gift of a “Happy & Healthy You” to you! Seriously think about that statement for a bit.
I walk into some of my family’s events and see those who have given up on themselves. They tell stories of woes and sickness while I’m looking for good food. Why not be the person who is telling stories of the fantastic accomplishments that you had this year rather than having to focus on the conundrums of life? Be a healthy and happy person as a gift to you! This, in turn, will brighten all those around you!
I know I vibe at a very high level and much higher than most, but this is a gift I give to those who allow me to be part of their lives. Some would say otherwise, but I am who I am. Be the shining person this holiday, and allow your healthy lifestyle to be contagious and inspiring.
Action items:
Go into this holiday season with a positive outlook that you have another one to celebrate. Oh, what I would do to have a beer with my father on Christmas Eve? Love those you still have!
No matter where you are in the health spectrum, be grateful for what you have – it could be a lot worse!
Coming into the new year, let me help you be that better person! Join us in what I consider the best fitness programming you can get. E-mail now! cj@evolvstrong.com
I invite you to our Holiday party this Saturday at noon at eVOLV! Bring a dish and a small gift to exchange! Let’s have a drink together. Also, ROP info session is at 10 a.m. Saturday as well! Love to see you all here!
Your Trainer – C.J.

www.curtjchavez.com :: cj@evolvstrong.com :: 505-872-3408
https://evolvstrong.com :: www.upwardmotionpt.com :: 505-872-3408
