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Writer's pictureCurt Chavez

I/We Need Your Help....

I humbly ask of your help.

The performance of my team during the last year has been nothing less then stellar. Within 24 hours of the forced closure in March, eVOLV went virtual with one of the most robust schedules in the industry and we maintained that schedule throughout 2020 without batting an eye. The trainers of eVOLV adapted and performed and never gave up on our mission of inspiring our communities progress and offering at least one piece of certainty, a kickass session with a smiling face, during days that offered only uncertainty and sometimes doom and gloom.

Behind the scenes not a single member of our team was furloughed, laid off nor did anyone get a reduced schedule. Paychecks were issued every Friday come rain, snow, hell, or high water. Our rent, utilities and bills are all up to date and paid. We made it through the storm, and we do see a rainbow forming.

We are not completely out of the storm yet and all our reserves are gone so any bumps are felt and some are rough.

Due to our efforts within both our community and with our team, we have been given the opportunity to apply for a grant from Fed-Ex that will assist us on putting our future on much firmer ground. We have made it to the finals along with some other great companies throughout the U.S. Part of the grant process, being competitive, is the amount of community support that is show during a period of two weeks. The biggest difference I know is the support of our eVOLV community and I know you will help in our efforts in competing for this grant.

Here is how you can help – starting Wednesday March 10th, our members, friends, family, coworkers, enemies, dogs/cats, or anyone with an e-mail can vote one (1x) time per day! The more votes we get the higher our profile becomes and “boom” you and all your circle of influence just helped us get to the top tier of competition.

May I count on you and your circles support? PLEASE!!!

As part of bringing attention to our efforts we created a first for eVOLV. Our first ever “World-Wide Facebook Live” events on Saturday March 13th and Saturday March 20th. The first weekend is all about our yoga program and the second is all about our fitness program and headliners. To add to this, we are giving away a $250 prize to anyone who has the largest Facebook Live Party going on during these two events. All you must do is take a picture of the peak of your party and send it in to and we will award the prize on Monday March 22nd live again. More details of the award to come. There are $100 second and $50 third place prize available as well. This is cash!!!

So, get the message out to vote every day and participate in our Facebook Live competition! See it is that simple and you will help ensure the future of eVOLV and help us move forward as a community.

Once again – can I count on you? Can our team of instructors count on you? I know we can because we have the best community in the world!

I will be sending out voting links once I have them in hand starting on early next week! Keep an eye out for them.

Until then – Start Strong, Stay Strong and Always Be eVOLV Strong!

Your Trainer – C.J. & Team eVOLV

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